pcca博客 保持最新的PCCA新闻和事件,市场趋势,和所有的事情复合!//www.browskids.com/Blog 药房技术人员的角色演变:对NPTA的迈克·约翰斯顿的采访 //www.browskids.com/Blog/the-evolving-role-of-pharmacy-technicians-an-interview-with-mike-johnston-of-npta?PostId=233 一般药剂配制 2022年2月2日星期三14:20:49 GMT 作者:Erin Michael, MBA, MS, CPhT, PCCA成员参与主任

这是探索当今药学技术人员职业机会的系列文章中的第四篇。在第一篇文章中,我讨论了技术人员角色是如何随时间变化的。在第二篇文章中,我采访了药房合成联盟的Jennifer Petska,了解她对现在和未来技术人员的看法。我为第三篇文章采访了药房技术人员认证委员会的丽莎查普曼,以获得她的见解。这篇文章的主角是国家药学技术协会(NPTA)的迈克·约翰斯顿(Mike Johnston),我在写第一篇文章时也和他聊过。在这里,他重复了他之前与我分享的内容:他看到药房技术人员的角色在过去几年里发生了显著的变化,因此,我们看到它变得更加先进和以职业为导向。希望你喜欢这次面试!Mike Johnston, CPhT,上图,是NPTA的首席执行官。

你是怎么开始在制药领域工作的?我是在20世纪90年代中期在一家零售药房开始工作的,那时候还没有针对技术人员的真正规定或培训计划。都是在职培训。 I obtained my Pharmacy Technician Certification Board CPhT certification in 1997 and went on to start NPTA in 1999.

Also on The PCCA Blog: Professional Opportunities for the Pharmacy Technician of Today

How have you seen the role of the pharmacy technician evolve over the years?

The role of the pharmacy technician has evolved immensely over the past 25 years, coinciding with the evolution of the role of pharmacists. Now that we have more regulations, national certification, and generally accepted education and training requirements, we have seen pharmacy technicians be able to take on more of the administrative and dispensing functions while pharmacists have been able to move more into clinical roles.

If you had a crystal ball, what would the role of the pharmacy technician look like in 10 years?

While I don’t try to speculate too much, I feel confident that in 10 years, the role of the pharmacy technician will be even more advanced to support the advancing role of pharmacists.

Also on The PCCA Blog: The Evolving Role of Pharmacy Technicians: An Interview With Jennifer Petska of APC

What advice would you give someone who is a new pharmacy technician or thinking about becoming one?

There has never been greater demand or opportunities for pharmacy technicians, and the opportunities extend well beyond traditional retail and hospital pharmacy.

What advice would you give experienced technicians about advancing their careers?

The best advice I could give experienced technicians about advancing their careers is to never stop learning, growing and networking. There are exciting opportunities for those who are willing to invest in themselves and their careers.

Also on The PCCA Blog: The Evolving Role of Pharmacy Technicians: An Interview With Liza Chapman of PTCB

Erin Michael, MBA, MS, CPhT, PCCA Director of Member Engagement, joined the PCCA staff in July 2006. She has been working in pharmacy for more than 25 years, of which 23 have been in compounding and promoting the practice of pharmacy. She holds an MBA in health care administration and an MS in hospitality management. She was recognized as PCCA Technician of the Month in August 1999 and California Pharmacists Association Technician of the Year in 2003.

A version of this article originally appeared in PCCA’s members-only magazine, the Apothagram.