pcca博客 保持最新的PCCA新闻和事件,市场趋势,和所有的事情复合!//www.browskids.com/Blog PCCA重申其对PCCA标准™复合质量和安全的承诺 //www.browskids.com/Blog/pcca-reaffirms-its-commitment-to-compounding-quality-and-safety-with-the-pcca-standard?PostId=66 一般药剂配制 2019年5月8日星期三15:16:10 <风格type = " text / css " >。PCCABlogPost .PCCABlogBullets {list-style-type: square !Padding-left: 40px !休斯顿- 2019年5月8日- 38多年来,PCCA作为fda注册和检查的化学品再包装商和再标签商,一直致力于提供最大质量和安全的复合材料。今天,PCCA通过发布 PCCA标准™和网站thepccastandard.com重申并进一步明确了这一承诺。PCCA主席吉姆·史密斯说:“每一天,我们都在选择用高质量来定义我们自己。“我们希望尽我们所能帮助我们的客户为他们的患者提供可重复的结果和最好的临床结果,因为患者和复合药房对我们很重要。这就是为什么,每一天,我们都选择超越简单的要求,并要求自己达到PCCA标准。新网站探讨了PCCA标准如何应用于公司的化学品采购、质量保证和质量控制、基地开发和生产以及配方。具体来说,参观者将了解更多关于PCCA API制造商资格计划, which ensures that PCCA finds the best active pharmaceutical ingredient (API) manufacturer every time through its four-step process:

  • Manufacturer Assessment
  • Sample Testing
  • PCCA Formula Testing
  • Manufacturer Reassessment

An interactive operations facilities map shows website visitors the meticulous step-by-step evaluation of every chemical lot received, repackaged and shipped to customers from PCCA. Additionally, three videos reveal the development, production and quality of PCCA’s innovative proprietary bases. Finally, PCCA shares how The PCCA Standard applies to the formulas it develops and the science behind them.

“All of this effort mitigates risk and provides PCCA customers with confidence that the ingredients used to compound prescriptions for their patients are of the highest quality,” said PCCA Chief Scientific Officer Gus Bassani, PharmD. “There’s a lot of talk in the marketplace about quality products, but it is thin on substance. It’s one thing to say you sell quality products; it’s an entirely different thing to prove it by lifting the curtain on our proprietary processes to show the world the steps we take to ensure that we provide our customers only the best products .”

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PCCA helps pharmacists and prescribers create personalized medicine that makes a difference in patients’ lives. As a complete resource for independent compounding pharmacists, PCCA provides high-quality products, education and support to more than 3,000 pharmacy members throughout the United States, Canada, Australia and other countries around the world. Incorporated in 1981 by a network of pharmacists, PCCA has supported pharmacy compounding for more than 38 years. Learn more at pccarx.com and thepccastandard.com.

Kim Speairs, APR, MBA, Director of Communications and Engagement, PCCA, 281.709.8277, kspeairs@pccarx.com