PCCA博客 保持当前PCCA新闻和事件,市场趋势,和一切雪上加霜!//www.browskids.com/Blog 新数据PCCA基地你不会想错过 //www.browskids.com/Blog/new-data-on-pcca-bases-you-wont-want-to-miss?PostId=94 复合创新,复合研究,一般药房复合 结婚,2019年10月30日19:37:00格林尼治时间 < div class = " PCCABlogPost " > < p > < em >由易建联Liu PharmD,博士PCCA研究药剂师< / em > < / p > < p > < br / >如果你参观了PCCA科学布斯在2019年国际研讨会,你可能感受到研究的广度和深度在PCCA——案例研究,解剖规章制度,全面分析公式,< em > < / em >新产品测试,等等。一个例子是一个有趣的案例研究关于< a href = " http://beta.pccarx.com/pdf_files/99717_CS_Spira-Wash_HandBurn.pdf " target = "平等" >的免疫抑制成人治疗烧伤创面< / >由哈尔滨制药在伯明翰,阿拉巴马州,药店PCCA的一员。除了PCCA,独立研究人员最近使用< a href = " //www.browskids.com/Products/ProductCatalog.aspx?pid = 30 - 3338“目标= "平等" > Lipoderm <一口>®< /一口> < / >在研究< a href = " https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/31504170 " target = "平等" >改善皱纹和皮肤纹理< / >结合激光治疗。我们最近这些资源的链接添加到< a href = " //www.browskids.com/science " target = "平等" > PCCA科学网页< / >。< / p > < p >中PCCA科学页面上列出的其他物品,你不想错过一个重要的类别:技术报告。这是推出一个新的基地后尤其如此。你想知道我们的最新创新,< a href = " //www.browskids.com/Products/ProductCatalog.aspx?pid = 30 - 5056“目标= "平等" > VersaBase <一口>®< /一口>无水荷尔蒙替代疗法< / >,将雌性激素患者之前把它放在他们的皮肤吗?你想知道如果它是你的病人安全开关从另一个局部基地VersaBase无水荷尔蒙替代疗法吗? You will be able to find the answers in our technical reports. These resources provide you quick access to the most recent data generated by PCCA’s Research and Development team. The studies are always conducted to present scientific evidence on the most important properties of PCCA products. The data is publication grade, scientifically designed and reproducible, ready for you to show to your prescribers and patients. Here are some newly released technical reports:

What are the other properties of PCCA bases you think are important to know? What data about the bases are you and your physicians eager to see? Go to our webpage and look for it under the Technical Reports tab. If your answer is not there, an easy thing to do is to email PCCAScience@pccarx.com, then let us to help you address those data concerns. We’re happy to hear about the needs of your pharmacy, practitioners and patients. The whole Research and Development team is driven by this and works diligently to development new products and techniques to provide you solutions. Talk with us to make sure your needs are being heard. Maybe next year at International Seminar, the unveiled new product will be exactly what you’ve been waiting for.

Finally, here’s a sneak peek of the next PCCA Science update: Several manuscripts authored by PCCA have recently been accepted for publication in peer-reviewed journals, covering everything from clinical to regulatory topics. We will present these in the next PCCA Science post here on the blog. Stay tuned, and see you soon!

Yi Liu, PharmD, PhD, is a research pharmacist in the Research and Development department at PCCA. She joined PCCA as a clinical pharmacy researcher in the Clinical Services department in 2018 and started her current role in 2019. Yi graduated from Ohio University with a PhD in molecular and cellular biology in 2012. She also worked as a postdoctoral research fellow in the Houston Methodist Research Institute for three years prior to starting pharmacy school. Yi received her PharmD from the University of Houston College of Pharmacy in 2019.
