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作者:Ryan Avery, PCCA国际研讨会2022年主题发言人


我们不是鲨鱼(鲨鱼不能向后游;如果让他们倒回去,他们就会死)。我们被允许后退和放弃一些事情。有有毒的野心,有些人认为这没什么。他们会说这样的话:“无论如何,我们都会实现我们的目标!”我只关心实现目标——让我害怕的是“无论如何”的部分!我发现放弃一些事情实际上帮助我在生活中取得了更多的成就。我认识的和采访过的最成功的人都谈到了戒烟的重要性,以及知道何时戒烟。我知道什么时候该放弃,如何放弃,我也明白了为什么放弃对领导力、成长和雄心壮志来说是如此重要的一部分。 Over the last few months, there have been four things I have quit that I believe all of us should do in order to be more successful at accomplishing our goals.

Quit One Idea

What is one idea that is keeping me from moving forward?

Quit One Action

What is one action that is taking me away from my big dreams?

Quit One Thought

What is one thought I want to get rid of that is not doing me or anyone else any good?

Quit One Person

Who is one person I no longer need in my life?

Those of us who quit certain things can accomplish crazy and amazing things. I have achieved more than most because I quit more than most. And, in this world, let’s all work on not being stubborn and work on being smart.

Sometimes, it is smart to quit! Some people see moving backwards as a negative thing. However, moving backwards gives us different perspectives and increases our ability to relate to others.

So the question isn’t really: “Am I okay taking one step back to move two steps forward?” The question is: “Am I okay taking 45 steps back to take 700 steps forward?”

Learn more from Keynote Speaker Ryan Avery at this year’s PCCA International Seminar 2022, where he will share relatable, relevant and memorable strategies that we all can use to keep Going From A to THE® in our industry! Check out our other keynote speakers and register today at www.PCCAInternationalSeminar.com .